The Key Ingredients

We're an open book when it comes to educating our customers on what's in our products. No 'behind the curtain' magic here!


It's always a good thing to know exactly what it is that's in this stuff you're taking.

We understand that people typically lean toward the "skeptical" side of the spectrum when it comes to buying something (or ANYTHING, really) that aids in the weight-loss game. And we respect that. So, this page is here for you: to tell you what's in the product and just exactly what each and every one of those crazy things does for you.

Good luck with the pronunciations. Some of our own people are still trying to master that skill.


Niacin (as Niacinamide)

Useful for balancing blood sugar levels as well as stimulating a healthy nervous system and regulating metabolism. Being deficient in B-3 has been linked to slowing metabolism.

Vitamin B6 (as Pyrodoxine HCL)

Responsible for many biological processes in the human body, most importantly proper neurotransmitter function and efficient food metabolism.

NeuroSyn Matrix™

Caffeine Anhydrous

A powerful energy stimulating properties and it is also one of the most important ingredients in a fat loss product. That is why every product on the market puts it in their formulas. Very few manufacturers know why it is used and what else caffeine brings to the table as a key ingredient in a thermogenic product. The truth is that energy, alertness and concentration is just a part time job for caffeine; caffeine’s full time job in a fat loss product is triggering adipocytes to release fatty acids into the blood stream so that the rest of the ingredients in the blend can wipe them out.

Caffeine is well known for its ability to increase your resting metabolic rate, thereby increasing lipolysis of subcutaneous fat cells. Most notably, caffeine has a synergistic effect by increasing the efficiency of the other thermogenic ingredients as well as the effectiveness of the overall blend. This isn’t some watered down blend like other products use either, only the highest quality Pure Anhydrous, USP grade caffeine is used in Pearl.


A derivative of GABA that possesses the ability to increase mental focus and brain function.

Choline Bitartrate

A powerful nootropic compound to help enhance attention, memory and overall brain function. It increases the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, the primary neurotransmitter involved in muscle function.


Chemically similar to choline in that it increases alertness, focus and mental clarity.


A lipophilic compound derivative of thiamine that crosses the blood-brain barrier and plays key roles in enhancing nervous-system function and cognitive function by improving memory, focus and recall. Sulbutiamine also augments carbohydrate metabolism by increasing anaerobic muscle endurance during training so you can bang out more reps with every set and have more overall energy while you train.


Stimulates the release of norepinephrine, an excitatory hormone that energizes the body. In addition, hordenine is lipolytic, so it releases lipids from fat cells to be used immediately as energy.

N Methyl Tyramine

A naturally occurring trace amine derived from the amino acid tyrosine. It acts as a neurotransmitter and regulates dopamine, norephinephrine, epinephrine, and noradrenaline levels in the human body to induce fat loss, increase glucose uptake, as well as elevate your mood.

Cocoa Extract

Naturally contains a small amount of caffeine along with larger amounts of theobromine, the chief metabolite of caffeine. Other plant chemicals naturally occurring in cocoa include phenylethylamine, which increases focus and attention span as well as tyramine whose chemical structure parallels the neurotransmitter hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Beta Phenylethylamine HCL

A chemical related to amphetamines and that elevates blood glucose levels resulting in an increased feeling of alertness and an overall sense of well-being. It does this by making the brain release specific endorphins that serve as the driving force behind feelings of pleasure and content.

Bacopa Monniera(S.E. Bacopasides)

An herb with strong antioxidant properties that enhances focus and cognition as well as improves learning.

Huperzine A

A phytonutrient that inhibits the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, in doing so makes more acetylcholine available to stimulate neurons. This process increases focus and improves that "dialed in" feel we all know and love from Pearl.

Carbon-Slim Blend™

Green Tea Extract (45% EGCG,75% Catechins, 90% Polyphenols)

Standardized for the catechin EGCG and has been shown to drastically increase the overall calories burned when paired up with caffeine, by increasing lipid oxidization; In addition, Green Tea Extract has both appetite suppressing as well as powerful anti-oxidant properties. The Green Tea used in Pearl is standardized at 45% EGCG, 75% catechins, 90% polyphenols – substantially stronger than the typical dose of Green Tea that many other products employ.

Dandelion Extract

Also known as "Taraxacum Officinale Powder"; a very powerful diuretic to help prohibit the storage of excess water weight on the body. In addition it aids the liver and kidneys in eliminating toxins from the body.

Coleous Forskohli Extract (S.E. Forskolin)

Extremely important to the complex as it aids in releasing fatty acids into the bloodstream, but operates on a much different channel than caffeine. Coleous Forskohli targets the thyroid directly. The thyroid controls your metabolism. The faster your thyroid runs, the hotter your metabolism will be. Coleous Forskohli keeps your thyroid running at optimal levels to aid in weight loss.


A Chinese herb that has the capability of raising the body’s core temperature, thereby elevating metabolism and reducing fat uptake. The synergy of these effects leads to elevated energy levels and increased lipolysis.

Cayenne Pepper Extract

Comes from a Greek root meaning, “to bite” and it certainly lives up to its reputation – giving Pearl some bite with it’s stimulant properties. It is an extremely potent antioxidant that thins the blood and reduces cholesterol and build-up within the blood vessels. It acts as a vasodilator allowing for increased blood flow during intense training or physical exertion.


A natural herbal stimulant has been shown to bump up your metabolism as well as elevate your core body temperature to a higher level and stimulate specific cell receptors to break down fat. More internal heat generated by your body increases your metabolic rate and literally helps your body melt more fat cells. In addition it delivers a nice, stable energy flow as opposed to the "crash" that you get from other over-hyped caffeine pills!

Green Coffee Bean Extract(45% Chlorogenic Acid)

Research mirrors the research of the effects of green tea, but with far greater potential. Green coffee bean extract contains two compounds – caffeine and chlorogenic acid. Caffeine you are already familiar with from above, in that it releases fatty acids from adipocytes. Consider chlorogenic acid, its partner in crime; Chlorogenic acid helps the liver become more efficient in processing the fatty acids, and when teamed up with caffeine has been shown in studies to reduce stored fat by as much as 25% over a period of 90 days.

Guarana Extract

An incredibly effective stimulant native to the Amazon basin in Brazil. It's potency comes from the fact that it contains about twice the concentration of caffeine as found in coffee beans. Because of this it has powerful cognitive effects as well as increasing memory retention and physical endurance. In combination with other herbs it takes on additional thermic effects and proves to be helpful with weight management as well.


Converted by the human body to Yohimbine before being assimilated. Yohimbine and the other alkaloids of Yobimbe work to increase blood flow, serve as a powerful anti-oxidant, and assist with fat loss. Because of its effects on blood flow and nerve impulses, it is also used herbally to treat erectile dysfunction.


A direct precursor to the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 and directly stimulates the thyroid to increase your basal metabolic rate.

Pearl Blend

Damiana Powder

Used by native people for years to increase energy levels and to treat the symptoms of low estrogen levels, hot flashes, mood swings and depression, as well as the symptoms of menopause. One rather notable bonus … damiana is a potent aphrodisiac for the female body.


An adaptogen that works within the female body to normalize hormone function. Female hormone regulation is key to weight loss as it helps manage the symptoms that stand in your way as well as give you an overall sense of well-being while you are making lifestyle adjustments. Along with hormone regulation, it also helps minimize water-retention and mood swings, and has been shown to positively impact the female sex drive.




Your weight loss journey starts today and you now have the tools you need to help you reach your goals! Pearl™ is unlike any other thermogenic fat loss supplement available on the market today. The formulation is designed to work with your diet and exercise program to maximize your efforts and get you the results you have always dreamed about achieving. The proven ingredients in Pearl have been combined to boost your metabolism, provide you with a powerful focused energy that will last throughout the day, completely control your appetite, and kill cravings for the not so good for you foods. The supreme blends in Pearl are going to give you results like no other product you have ever experienced.

Pearl's Carbon-Slim Blend is a complex mix of the most effective thermogenic ingredients available today. These ingredients have been shown to increase metabolism and raise core body temperature to force your body to burn fat for fuel. The NeuroSyn Matrix™ in Pearl is a powerful blend of nootropics that stimulate neurotransmitters in the brain. These neurotransmitters are responsible for incredible mental focus and alertness.

You are putting in the work through your diet and exercise; get the best results possible with Pearl. To take your weight loss to the next level combine Pearl with Armour T™ and Reset™.

Key Ingredients in Pearl

Ashwagandha: a natural adaptogen in the female body that fights the physiological effects of stress caused by dieting and exercise. It contains antioxidants that promote better fat burning and increased energy levels through stress reduction and normalizing hormones. Female hormone regulation is key to weight loss because it minimizes water-retention and mood swings, and has a positive effect on female sex drive.

Huperzine A: a key cognitive support ingredient increasing alertness energy, and mental awareness. It achieves this by increasing the levels of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is one of the chemicals that our nerves use to communicate in the brain, muscles, and other areas.

Green Coffee Bean Extract: a substance called Chlorogenic Acid, which is believed to be responsible for the weight loss effects. Green Coffee beans are a great anti oxidant and can help reduce the absorption of carbohydrates from the digestive tract which can aid in lowering blood sugar and insulin spikes which is important when trying to lose weight.

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Armour T

Armour T


Boost your metabolism and maximize your fat loss results by increasing your body’s thyroid function! Armour T™ is a must have when dieting and exercising to put your body in the best position for targeting fat loss.

Armour T’s powerful formula is designed to increase your thyroid function to help you lose fat. The best way to achieve the maximum fat loss results is to make sure that your thyroid is receiving exactly what it needs to be operating at its optimal level. Armour T is going to provide your thyroid the exact ingredients to insure that your thyroid is operating in its optimal range to help you lose that unwanted fat! The natural ingredients in Armour T are not going to leave you feeling jittery because they are precisely designed not to have a stimulant effect. Working at an optimal level means that your thyroid will produce more T3 and T4 hormones which will boost your body’s natural metabolic rate, increasing your core body temperature and efficiently burning more calories throughout the day. More calories burned equals more fat lost!

Use Armour T in conjunction with Pearl™ or Onyx™ and Reset™ to achieve even better weight loss results!

Key Ingredients in Armour T

Iodine: a well-known thyroid support product. It is an essential component in the formation of thyroid hormones, which play a key role in: growth, development, metabolic processes, regulation of the body’s energy production, and helping burn excess fat.

Chromium: an important mineral with regards to helping keep blood sugar levels in balance. It does this by playing a role in the metabolism of glucose, and is also involved in the synthesis of protein. A deficiency in chromium can cause an imbalance of the blood sugar levels, which in turn will affect the adrenal glands.

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Quality sleep is one of the most overlooked, yet most important factors when trying to optimize fat loss. Without reaching a deep restful sleep each night your body can’t properly reset hormone levels and make the changes and repairs that it needs in order to operate at the optimal level keeping your metabolism working as efficiently as possible to burn fat.

The high stress lives we live can lead to weight gain or the inability to lose weight. Mental, emotional, and physical stresses we endure every day from work, exercise and life in general causes an increase in a destructive hormone called cortisol. When cortisol remains elevated it signals your body to store fat, and can also lead to lethargy, anxiety and even a weakened immune system. Reset™ is specifically designed to help you unwind after a stress filled day and get a good night’s sleep, which is key to getting cortisol back to a normal, healthy level.

Simply sleeping more or longer isn’t as important as getting quality sleep, because your body doesn’t truly start recovering until you reach deep sleep or REM sleep. The synergistic blend of natural ingredients in Reset have key neurotransmitters shown to enhance quality sleep and keep you in a deeper REM sleep each night. Using Reset for nighttime recovery will allow your body to fully reset, reduce cortisol levels and will get your body ready to burn fat, ultimately helping you reach your weight loss goals and achieve the body you want.

Use Reset in conjunction with Pearl™ or Onyx™ and Armour T™ to achieve even better weight loss results!

Key Ingredients in Reset

Melatonin: a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain and regulates your day-night cycles. Rest is key for optimal recovery and helps maintain the body's circadian rhythm, an internal 24-hour clock that plays a critical role in our sleep patterns.

Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA): the most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter that has been shown to help support relaxation and sleep. Optimal REM sleep plays a key role in recovery and reduction of cortisol levels, which can help promote a better body composition.

Magnesium Aspartate: a mineral essential for blood pressure and blood sugar regulation (high blood sugar causes your body to burn muscle as energy) and the construction of protein, which are important to building muscle that burns fat as energy. Magnesium aspartate is one of the best supplemental forms of magnesium and has been shown to be among the most bioavailable, or readily absorbed by the body.

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Most people say they want to lose weight but there's a difference between just losing weight and losing fat. To lose the right weight and get the body you've always wanted you have to target fat. The CF24, 24 hour fat loss system, is designed to put your body in a optimal fat burning state 24 hours a day so you're losing the weight you "REALLY" want to lose.

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Pearl & ArmourT

  • Pearl & ArmourT

Pearl & Reset

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CF24 Onyx - For Men